Why subscribe?

AI tech is developing rapidly—it can be startling and unsettling. So let’s make sense of it and figure out how to ride the wave instead of being swamped and left behind.

The AEC Matrix is about AI technology in general, but with a specific focus on the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry.

I created this newsletter to:

  • stay on top of this rapidly-developing field

  • maintain a curated list of key AI news each week

  • learn how people are using AI in their work today

  • be better prepared for how AI may impact our work tomorrow

I’d love to have you join the tribe. I hope to build a community where I learn as much from you as you do from the newsletter.

Survival is insufficient.

- Emily St. John Mandel, Station Eleven

Be well.


Subscribe to The AEC Matrix

The AEC Matrix is a weekly newsletter about AI developments with a specific focus on the architecture, engineering, and construction industry.


I'm an engineer and business-owner, father and husband, runner and outdoor enthusiast. More questions than answers.